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Displaying items by tag: private collector

The Muscarelle Museum of Art is going for baroque with its latest exhibit.

After a series of hugely successful renaissance-themed exhibits, the museum has embarked on a mission to showcase another side of Italy’s rich artistic legacy. "Twilight of a Golden Age: Florentine Painting after the Renaissance" has opened, offering visitors to the museum a chance to see the work of the great Italian painters who followed the Renaissance during the baroque period.

The more than 20 paintings and sculptures contained in the exhibit are on display courtesy Sir Mark Fehrs Haukohl, a private art collector who circulates his gallery of baroque Italian paintings and sculptures through museums in the U.S.

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A 9.75-carat fancy vivid blue diamond from the collection of Mrs. Paul Mellon sold for more than $32.6 million, shattering its high estimate of $15 million at Sotheby’s New York Thursday. The price set a world auction record for any blue diamond; and at more than $3.3 million per carat, it set a world auction record for price-per-carat for any diamond.

The pear-shaped diamond was sought after by seven bidders who competed for 20 minutes for the gem, Sotheby’s said. It ultimately sold to a Hong Kong private collector who named it “The Zoe Diamond.”

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Monday, 27 October 2014 12:08

Cézanne Exhibit Opens at the High Museum of Art

An exhibition at Atlanta's High Museum of Art showcases a group of impressionist and post-impressionist works amassed by a private collector who described the pursuit and acquisition of the pieces as an adventure.

The exhibition, "Cezanne and the Modern: Masterpieces of European Art from the Pearlman Collection," includes 50 pieces, including works by Paul Cezanne, Vincent van Gogh, Edouard Manet, Amedeo Modigliani, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin and Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec.

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New York and London gallery Skarstedt is off to a roaring start at Frieze Masters 2014, counting among its early sales Andy Warhol’s 1984 remix of Edvard Munch’s "The Scream," which sold to a private collector for about $5.5 million.

That sum pales in comparison to the $119.9 million Leon Black paid for Munch’s own version of "The Scream" at Sotheby’s back in 2012, which set the record at the time for the most expensive artwork ever sold at auction.

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A Banksy artwork has been sold to a private collector for enough money to keep the seller - a cash-strapped boys' club - open for "a few years".

The sale price of "Mobile Lovers," which has been on display at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, will be revealed on Wednesday when it is handed over.

The piece of street art appeared in a Bristol doorway in April, but a row broke out over who owned it.

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An oil painting of Brighton by noted artist John Constable has failed to sell at an auction.

A Sea Beach – Brighton, had been expected to fetch between £400,000 and £600,000 at a Bonhams Old Master Paintings sale in London yesterday(Wed).

However it did not meet its reserve price.

A Bonhams spokesman said the painting's owner, a private collector, would now have to decide whether to take it back or try again at a future sale.

Constable and his family were frequent visitors to Brighton for the sake of his wife, Maria's, health.

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To the uneducated eye, it may look like little more than a blank canvas with a few inches of primary colour, but this painting could soon become the most expensive Mondrian ever sold.

The work, by Piet Mondrian, is said to “epitomise” the artists’ work, and has never before been seen at auction.

Kept out of the public gaze for the last 50 years, after being owned by a private collector, it will now be sold at Sotheby’s for an estimate of up to £18 million.

It is expected to set a new world record for the most expensive work by Mondrian, beating the price of 21,569,000 EUR (£17.6m) set in 2009.

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Two oil paintings, including one owned by Yale University in the United States, have been certified as being the work of Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali, officials said on Tuesday.

Art experts from the Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation knew that the two works existed but up until now they had been unable to locate and authenticate them.

"We had identified the works but we did not know where they were or how to link them to Dali. We thought they were made by him but we had to verify," the director of the foundation's research department, Montse Aguer, told AFP.

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Winslow Homers in the shadow of a defunct Beech-Nut baby food plant. A Rembrandt, Picasso, Rubens and Renoir up the hill from a paper mill. The founder of the Hudson River School vying for attention amid baseball memorabilia and old farm machinery.

There are plenty of treasures to be found among the collections of lesser-known, off-the-beaten-path art museums dotting upstate New York. But they're well worth the trek for anyone looking for great art in unexpected places, whether it's the rolling, bucolic countryside typical of many areas or the industrial grittiness of riverside mill towns.

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On January 26th, Keno Auctions of New York City sold a highly important and historically significant document entitled ‘Letter from the Twelve United States Colonies, by their delegates in Congress to the Inhabitants of Great Britain. After heated competition between several phone bidders in a packed salesroom, the gavel dropped at $912,500 (including Buyer’s Premium), well above its presale auction estimate of $100,000 to $400,000.

The winning bid of $912,500 was by private collector Brian Hendelson who, shortly after the auction, said "I am very excited about adding this amazing piece of history to my collection.  To be able to buy any original manuscript written relating to our independence is an extremely rare opportunity. To have the opportunity to own the original draft of the final plea to Great Britain is even more extraordinary. The only thing I can compare this to would be to own the original draft of the Declaration of Independence”. The price is the highest for any lot sold at auction during Americana Week 2014 in New York.

This document was long thought to be lost, but in July 2013 archivist Emilie Gruchow discovered it in the attic of the Morris-Jumel Mansion inside a folder of colonial doctor’s bills tucked away in a drawer. The document, penned by Robert R. Livingston, was a final plea for peace by the Continental Congress to the people of Great Britain to avoid the Revolutionary War. It was also a prelude to the Declaration of Independence, which Livingston helped draft with Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin less than a year later. This working draft fundamentally changes our understanding of the final document which was printed in July 1775 and is complete with fascinating edits, including entire paragraphs crossed out and rewritten in the margins.  Scholar Michael Hattem of Yale University stated, the document is “…the missing piece from the culminating moments in which the colonists began to think of themselves not as British subjects, but as American citizens.”

Leigh Keno, President of Keno Auctions, said, “I am elated that the manuscript did so well.  All of the proceeds benefit one of the finest house museums in New York City.” Carol Ward, President of The Morris-Jumel Mansion, said after the sale, “I am still in a state of shock. It was so beyond our expectations. This auction quadruples the size of our endowment and ensures that the mansion can serve the public for generations to come.”

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