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Displaying items by tag: northern baroque art

Need a winter activity? One of the largest and most varied collections of Northern Baroque art assembled anywhere in recent decades is on view at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich.

"Northern Baroque Splendor, The Hohenbuchau Collection from: Liechtenstein. The Princely Collections, Vienna" is displayed across multiple galleries through April 12, 2015.

“The Hohenbuchau Collection is not only remarkable for offering examples of virtually all the genres produced by
Netherlandish Old Masters, but also for the rich diversity of size, format, and subject within each genre,” said
Peter C. Sutton, executive director of the museum and the organizer of the exhibition.

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The latest exhibit at the Bruce Museum being Northern Baroque art to Greenwich, all the way from Vienna. 

"They are lent to us throughout the great generosity of Prince Liechtenstein because they are on permanent loan to the Princely Collections of Liechtenstein in Vienna in the Great Palace.  They range in date from the late 16th Century to the early 19th Century. Most are Dutch and Flemish paintings of the 17th Century. There's also some very fine German 17th Century pictures too," said Peter Sutton, the Executive Director of the Bruce Museum. 

Sutton is an expert on this art and gave a tour of the 64 paintings on display.

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