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Displaying items by tag: arts management

The Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden has hired Lisa Gold as director of public engagement, a newly-created position.

Gold comes to the Washington, DC museum from her former post as the executive director of the Washington Project for the Arts (WPA), a non-profit organization that aids and advises local artists on topics like arts management, grantsmanship, career development, and legal rights.

Published in News
Thursday, 14 February 2013 14:37

Arts Research Center Opens in Dallas

Dallas’ Southern Methodist University and Philadelphia’s Cultural Data Project have joined forces to launch the National Center for Arts Research. The Center, which is the first of its kind in the United States, will conduct, analyze, and assemble arts research as well as investigate issues concerning arts management and patronage. The Center will make all of its finding public to art leaders, funders, policymakers, researchers, and the general public.

Through extensive studies and follow-up analysis, the National Center for Arts Research plans to create a comprehensive depiction of the health of the country’s arts sector. The Center, which launched on February 13, 2013, plans to collaborate with I.B.M. to create an interactive dashboard that will allow arts organizations to compare themselves to their peers.

Jose Bowen, dean of the Meadows School of the Arts at Southern Methodist University said, “Arts organizations must have a more research-driven understanding of their markets and industry trends in order to more deeply engage existing audiences and reach new ones.” Along with management and patronage, the National Center for Arts Research will specialize in the impact of the arts on communities across the U.S. as well as fiscal trends and stability of the arts in the U.S.

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